Best support from the selection of material and geometries to the most demanding logistics. Flexibility and efficiency of the most professional partner.
Technological avant-grade and continuous improvement to seek out new challenges, from specific mixtures for each product to the use of FEA tools and rapid prototyping are our strengths .
Generation of value following the most advanced quality guidelines, committed to the Environment as a fundamental part of our business strategy.
Flexix provides technological solutions in RUBBER and special ELASTOMER INJECTED or EXTRUDED parts and assemblies, adapted to the requirements of each customer or application.
With experience since 1950, our added value is based on process automation, mixture room and development of our own mixtures, know-how in rubber, flexibility and customer-oriented workforce.
The KÄCHELE-FLEXIX group is present worldwide, based on continuous, environmentally friendly development.
El objetivo del proyecto persigue desarrollar un ABS para utillajes y moldes funcionales, así como la aplicación de procesos de post-tratamiento para mejora superficial.
Programa Retos Colaboración 2017
Objetivo de la convocatoria RETOS: Promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad.
Financiado por: FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación/RTC-2017-6056-5